Illinois Youth Soccer Association - Coaches Home
IYSA Rec Coaches Activities Demo:
U6/U8 Activities by US Youth Soccer:
Please find below/attached the instructions on how to complete your background check.
Elks has purchased codes to apply when requesting your background check, so please use the customized code (sent to you via email) for your submission. These codes are unique and thus cannot/should not be shared, as they are one-time use only.
- Background Searches must be done every 2 years
- SafeSport Training requires an annual recertification
- Concussion Training only needs to be completed once
As of May 2021, IYSA switched its Risk Management Safety Compliance provider back to SportsEngine after using Player's Health in 2020. According to IYSA, the SportsEngine system has made significant upgrades that allows individuals to submit their background search, get their concussion training, and access their account in the US Center for SafeSport. With this new system, individuals will no longer need to select a specific league(s). IYSA League Admins (including Elks leadership) will have access to the master list of approved persons with the ability to search by an individual's last name and see the person's compliance status.
Individuals: please go directly to the background check section on the IYSA website by clicking here (http://www.illinoisyouthsoccer...;
IYSA sent Elks the following, but we are unsure at this time whether any information remains in Player's Health that can be moved into SportsEngine: "Background searches and SafeSport training done through Player's Health will be accepted by the new SportsEngine platform. However, individuals will still need to register or create an account in the SportsEngine platform."